Before we start learning Python, we need to setup our environment. For these tutorials, we will be using VS Code on WINDOWS, though you are welcome to use PyCharm, Python's Default IDLE, or another Integrated Development Environment (IDE). This tutorial will cover the following learning objectives:
How to Install Python
How to Setup Python in VS Code
How to Install Python
Before going through the installation process, you need to check if you already have Python installed. To do this, complete the following steps:
Open "Windows Powershell". (Press the Windows key, type Windows Powershell, hit Enter)
Type python --version
If Python is installed, you'll get the following message: python [version]
If it didn't say python [version], then Python is not installed. Install it with the following steps:
Open your File Explorer and navigate to the Downloads folder.
Click on the VS Code application you just downloaded to open the Installation Wizard.
Follow the Wizard's instructions, keeping the default settings to avoid errors.
Open the Application to ensure it installed correctly.
Once you successfully have VS Code installed, create a test Python file by completing the following steps:
Go to the File tab and select New Text File.
Click Select a Language, scroll down, and choose Python.
Press CTRL + "S" to save the file.
Save the file in your File Explorer as a Python file (extension .py).
To ensure your Python environment is setup correctly, install the Python and Code Runner VS Code extensions as shown in the video.
Congratulations, you've installed Python and an IDE to help you code! 🥳💻🐍 Click the buttn below to learn about Variables and Data Types - the essentials to start coding in Python.